داستان آبیدیک

chronic laryngitis


1 عمومی:: عفونت حلق مزمن

Certain infectious diseases, whether viral, bacterial, or fungal in origin, can also contribute to chronic laryngitis.72 Examples include upper respiratory infections, pneumonia, sinusitis, tuber- culosis, pertussis (whooping cough), and others.3'13'72-78 Their impact on voice quality is inconsistent, but certainly may be aggravated by severe and prolonged symptoms of chronic cough, sore (or tickling) throat sensations, chest con- gestion, increased or thickened phlegm, mucus drainage and postnasal drip, and other irritations of the larynx, pharynx, and lungs. Some cases may develop a second- ary chronic laryngitis (Figure 4-21) that persists even after the infection has resolved, due to long-standing laryn- geal mucosal inflammation, viscous mucus, and epithelial thickening. Chronic laryngitis may be aggravated further by occasional exposures and behaviors that would be otherwise tolerated in a healthy larynx, such as vocal misuse and abuse, smoking, poor laryngeal hydration, airborne pollutants or allergens, dehydrating medications, and laryngopharyngeal reflux. The typical treatment for chronic laryngitis is to identify and eliminate potential causative factors and devise compensa- tory strategies to modify these harmful elements. FIGURE 4- 21, Chronic laryngitis.

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